Increased throughput demands are being placed on companies as a result of eCommerce trends and new buyer profiles. The speed of picking and preparing an order for shipment is a key space to seize a competitive advantage and potentially automate. Goods-to-person order fulfillment systems can be added to improve warehouse productivity by eliminating the need for an associate to spend time traveling to a product, picking it from a shelf, and then returning it to be packaged. With Goods-to-Person picking systems, products are delivered to associates in an automated process, eliminating the need for the associate to travel to the products storage location.
Pick to light and put to light technologies are game changers when it comes to managing the movements and accuracy of warehouse order picking staff. Each system is based on a series of light signals that direct associates with the quantity of a product to pick from or put into a container.
Automated picking of products is one thing, but what about placing items in a case to be packaged, palletized, and shipped? End-of-arm technology that can select individual items from a conveyor line or tote and place them in the correct shipping receptacles could be your answer. Pick and place robots in the Bastian Solutions product line can pick as quickly as 300 picks per minute. This is just one more way Toyota and Bastian Solutions can offer a solution to your toughest challenges.